On ‚Parallel Lineup‘ by Lisa Palland
In her current project ‘Parallel Line Up’ Berlin-based artist Jenny Brockmann investigates environment, its dynamics and how poeple interact with it. She researches volcanic and geological processes that contain either the creation of new landscapes or their destruction.
Central to the focus of her work is the examination of how data is collected, moreover how this collection of data and its visualization impacts upon the viewer.
Her residency in Iceland brought the artist to Breiddalsvik in the east of the country where she has been invited to research at the geological centre Breiddalssetur. The centre archives the inheritance of geologist and volcanologist George P. L. Walker who made outstanding discoveries in the methodology of volcanological research. His reports, sketches, books and maps give a detailed insight into how he decoded the geology in the east of Iceland.
During her artist residency at Skaftfell Center for Visual Arts in Seydisfjrdur in August 2015 Brockmann has been evaluating and mapping the collected materials that she connects with the people in Iceland.
From August 16th to August 26th Jenny Brockmann will exhibit three data sculptures at the geological center Breidalssetur, combined with drawings, photography and text. The paper works, ink on transparent paper, are mostly copies of drawings, maps and texts from the archive of George Walker. In a map of Iceland (collage, ink on transparent paper) the artist inscribed all the seismographic sensors which are installed throughout Iceland. Annotated photographs (ink on inkjet prints) show images of different sensors that the Meteorological Office set up in the Icelandic landscape to observe volcanological and meteorological activities.
The artist will be present for a discursive event on August 25th to discuss the collection of data and its local and global impact on the viewer.
In her sculptures Brockmann combines climatic and seismographic data with stones that originate from the test sites. The resultant kinetic sculptures visualize in real time the informations. The sculpture M 00012-01-09, (H60cm x W40cm x D21cm, Lambporphyr (granite), rubber tube, pump, 2012-2014) is a model of the stone sculpture Stone, (H0,6m x W3m x D3m, 2014) the artist exhibited at the German Consulate General in New York in early 2014. The stones, sourced from a quarry close to Dresden, are lifted up and down through an air cushion according to the temperature in Berlin. The sculpture M 00012-02-05, (H60cm x W40cm x D25cm, Lambporphyr (granite), steel, motor, 2012-2014) moves according to mid-European time intervals and the sculpture M 00012-01-25, (H60cm x W40cm x D25cm, Lambporphyr (granite), pump, hydraulic cylinder, 2012-2014) opens up at dawn and closes at dusk.
‘For many years the artist has been concentrating on the subject of nature and its inherent processes. Inspired by light, water, air, and kinetic energies she creates new forms, structures and workflows. There is a dainty ease and liveliness which is very unique to these newly formed entities, creating unexpected interactions with the observer, and widening preconcieved conceptions in a playful way.’ (N. Haegeli)
Jenny Brockmann (*1976 in Berlin) holds an MFA from the University of Fine Arts Berlin (Meisterschlerin of Rebecca Horn) and an MA in Architecture from the Technical University of Berlin. Her sculptures and installation span from the organic to the philosophical and have been exhibited in a variety of international venues: Manege, St. Petersburg; Museo de Arte de El salvador, San Salvador; Nordart, Rendsburg; Kasko, Basel; St. Pancras, London; Galerie Gerken, Berlin; Museo para la identidad Nacional, Tegucigalpa; Haus am Ltzowplatz, Berlin; Deutsches Generalkonsulat, New York; The Genia Schreiber University Gallery, Tel Aviv; Hudson River Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, USA und Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan.
The project has been kindly supported by the Goethe Institute.
Text by Lisa Paland – a cultural mediator and currently completing an internship at Skaftfell.