


Various materials, various sizes



BYPASS – The Emergence of Voices/ Part 2: Liver

Collaboration between Jenny Brockmann (visual arts), Will Browne (guitar music), Harmoni Cymru (music), Dr. Ingrid Jüttner (curatorial practice at National Museum Wales), Linda Rocco (curatorial practice), Katherine Miller (violin music), Dr. Alan Watson (neuroscience at Cardiff University), Paul Whittaker (writing, filmmaking, visual arts).

“#ENERGY/STATE/REACTION” is the second iteration of “Jenny Brockmann: Bypass – The Emergence of Voices” and refers to the allegory of the liver. The liver is the central organ of metabolism and the largest gland in the body of vertebrates. Its most essential tasks are the production of vital proteins, utilization of nutritional components, production of bile and the breakdown and excretion of metabolic products, medicines and toxins.

Unfolding via two curated events, or Entanglements, at the Hearth Gallery, University Hospital Llandough, “#ENERGY/STATE/REACTION” will look into the properties of the liver from a literal and metaphorical point of view, considering processes of regeneration and metabolism in relation to the analog world and digital technologies. Critical to each event, or Entanglements, is the sculptural installation “Seat#12”. Mounted on a single central axis, “Seat#12” is a kinetic sculpture developing from a wood base into 12 aluminium branches, which are 12 seats for people facing each other. Displayed together with discursive objects and cartographies, Brockmann’s situated discussions welcome patients and staff members, casual audiences, and invited speakers, expanding the artistic process beyond institutional contexts.

As part of the programme, “Entanglement #1: The Color of Sound” invites patients and staff members of the University Hospital to share their experiences during treatment, verbally, visually and/or through movement. The effect of color and tone on a person’s mood will be discussed/experienced with musicians from Harmoni Cymru. “Entanglement #2: ‘Metabolic Objects’” uses objects from the medical collection of the National Museum Wales as the starting point to exchange ideas about medical research and knowledge production, treatment processes and the social and emotional interdependence of (architectural) environments, patients, staff, and volunteers in a hospital.

Text by Linda Rocco

In collaboration with: Hearth Gallery, University Hospital Llandough in partnership with the National Museum Wales, Goethe-Institute London.
Funded by Kunsfonds Foundation and Berlin Senat.

“#ENERGY/STATE/REACTION” is part of the nomadic project “BYPASS – The Emergence of Voices” curated by Linda Rocco, realized in collaboration with Goethe-Institut and taking place throughout 2021-23 across six different locations in the UK. Existing at the intersection of art, science and research, “BYPASS – The Emergence of Voices” reflects on notions of connectivity from multifaceted perspectives, acting as a catalyst in exploring discourses on transdisciplinarity and collaborative approaches. Within the project the body acts as a metaphor to divide the six interlinked projects into six organs of interest: the skin, the brain, liver, the heart, the lungs, arm and the hand.

Part 1/ Skin: “Jenny Brockmann: #LIMITS”

Part 2/ Liver: “Jenny Brockmann: #ENERGY/STATE/REACTION”

Part 3/ Brain: “Jenny Brockmann: #THOUGHTS”
Part 4/ Heart: “Jenny Brockmann: #LOVE”
Part 5/ Lungs: “Jenny Brockmann: #BREATH”
Part 6/ Hand: “Jenny Brockmann: #TOUCH”